- Countering Disinformation
- The Right to Adequate Housing
- The LGBTQ Community’s Right to Culture
- Human Rights in Environmental Migration
- Ending Impunity for Torture in Armed Conflicts
- Abduction and Adoption of Ukrainian Children
- Treatment of Migrant Children in Private Facilities
- Gender-based Violence Against Women Journalists
- Education for Neurodivergent Girls and Women
- HRA Annual MeetingHRA Annual Meeting
- Prison Privatization
- Advocating for the Right to Food
- The Right to Culture under Climate Change
- Violence Against Protestors
- The Lasting Impacts of Housing Discrimination
- How the Intersection of Conflict and Climate Change Impacts Women and Girls
- Gender Violence on the Frontlines of Environmental Degradation and Land Rights Violations
- Women in Migration
- HRA Fall Educational Event on Climate Justice and Vulnerable Populations
- A Tribute to Professor David Weissbrodt
- Message from the President
- Foreign Debt: Vulture Funds
- Water Conflict and the Right to Food
- HRA Annual Meeting
- Message from the President
- HRA Newsmaker
- HRA Fall Educational Event on International Human Rights Law and Racism in the U.S.
- The U.S. Election and International Human Rights Law
- IACHR Report on U.S. Death Penalty Case
- Message from the President
- Advocacy at the UN
- The Rights of the Child: Social Media Grooming
- Data Protection and a Gender Perspective
- Criminalization of Homelessness
- Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Human Rights Abuses in Re-education Camps
- The Right to Food: Fishery Workers’ Rights
- Promoting NGO Participation at the CSW
- HRA Annual Meeting
- Message from the President
- Save the Date: Discussion on Racism in the U.S.
- HRA Newsmakers
- UN Civil Society Conference
- The 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and HRA Statement to the CSW
- Human Rights Council — 42nd Session
- Philip Alston on the Digital Welfare State
- New Practical Guide on Using International Human Rights and Criminal Law Procedures
- Advocacy at the UN
- Mental Health Services for Victims of Gender Violence
- Working Towards Sustainability
- The Right to Privacy: Data Use by Businesses
- The Use of Armed Drone Technology
- Rights of the Child
- Combating Water Scarcity and Pollution
- Policies to Protect the Right to Adequate Housing
- HRA Annual Meeting
- HRA Newsmakers
- HRA Fall Educational Event on Using International Human Rights Law in Practice
- International Human Rights Law and Local Eviction
- Indigenous Rights to Land and Culture
- Human Rights Council — 38th Session
- HRA Newsmakers
- Advocacy at the UN
- The Rights of the Child
- Torture Reparations for Women and Girls
- Protection of Journalists as Human Rights Defenders
- Vulture Funds’ Impacts on Government Functions
- The Human Cost of Economic Sanctions
- Planting a Seed to Aid the Environment
- Worldwide Abolition of the Death Penalty
- Rural Women’s Intellectual Property Protections
- Securing Rural Women and Girls’ Land Equity
- HRA Annual Meeting: A Time to Reflect and to Carry on HRA’s Legacy
- On Cesspools and Human Rights
- Eleanor Roosevelt Award to Rita Maran
- A Message from the Board of Directors
- Educational Event on Martial Law in Mindanao: Violations Under Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- A Global Need to Enforce Widows’ Land Rights
- Human Rights Council — 36th Session
- Litigation Update
- HRA Newsmakers
- Advocacy at the UN
- Treatment of Migrant Women Workers
- Advocacy to End Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
- Closing the Gender Pay Gap to Achieve Gender Pay Equality
- Advocating for Global Maternity Protections
- Fair and Equitable Financial Policy as a Human Right
- Cultural Rights as Hindered and Defined by Cultural Relativism/Universality and Extremism/Fundamentalism
- Worldwide Abolition of the Death Penalty
- The Right to Privacy: Compromise in the Resolution Process
- Learning How to Advocate for the Rights of Children
- Protecting Children And Their Rights To Education
- Litigation Update
- HRA Annual Meeting: Continuing the Legacy of Greats
- HRA Congratulates Advisory Board Member Paul Hoffman on Santa Clara Law’s 2017 Alexander Prize
- A Message from the Board of Directors
- Meet Our Newest Board Member
- HRA Fall Educational Event on the Refugee Crisis: Can International Human Rights Law Help?
- Defending the Right to Free Expression Online
- Serving on the NGO/DPI Executive Committee
- Human Rights Council 33
- Litigation Report
- HRA 2016 Edith Coliver Fellowship
- HRA Newsmakers
- Other HRA Sponsored Events
- Message from the President of the Board of Directors
- Advocating for Rural and Indigenous Women
- Income Inequality and Sustainable Development
- Rights for Migrant Women Domestic Workers
- Rights of Children in the Juvenile Justice System
- Environmental Threats to the Right to Food
- Political Barriers at the UN
- Death Penalty and the Prohibition Against Torture
- Advocating for Cultural Rights
- Protecting the Right to Adequate Housing
- HRA Annual Meeting
- HRA hosts UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye
- United Nations Advocacy
- UN Mechanisms on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
- The Right to Housing in the Context of Mega Events
- Pope Francis at the UN General Assembly
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Human Rights Council 29th and 30th Sessions
- IACHR Hearing on the Right to Water
- Litigation Report
- California’s Human Rights Accountability Law
- HRA Fellowship
- Sex-Trafficking and Accountability
- Differing Views on Women’s Rights
- Reconciling Advocacy Barriers
- Right to Housing in the Context of Mega-Events
- Torture and Commission of Inquiry on Syria
- Cultural Rights: Necessary But Still Undefined
- Detention of Minors in Private Facilities
- Abuses of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children
- Update on Migrant Rights at the UPR
- HRA Annual Meeting
- HRA Newsmakers
- Human Rights Advocates Fall Event
- HRA Highlights Racial Inequalities in Education and JLWOP before UN Committee
- HRA Activities at the UN
- UN HRC concerned about Haiti
- Haitian Cholera Victims Request Access to Justice from UN and Haitian Government
- Human Rights Advocates Fellows
- Eradicating Poverty and Extreme Hunger
- The United Nations: A Reflection in Activism
- The Political Participation of Women
- Mega-Events and the Right to Housing
- Promoting the Right to Food
- Issues on Human Rights and the Environment
- Private Prisons’ Impact on the Judicial System
- The Death Penalty Constitutes Torture
- Extreme Criminal Sentencing for Juveniles
- Advocating for the Right to Vote
- Litigation
- HRA Newsmakers
- HRA Annual Meeting
- Human Rights Advocates Fall Event
- Women’s Human Rights in 2013, 2015 and Beyond
- United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
- Dispatches from Geneva
- Human Rights Implications of Private Prisons
- The Death Row Phenomenon
- Child Malnutrition: A Crisis Without Borders
- Extreme Criminal Sentences
- The Right to Political Participation
- Human Rights and the Environment
- HRA Event on Extreme Sentencing at HRC
- Creative Human Rights Advocacy at the CSW
- School-Related Gender-Based Violence
- Fulfilling the Right to Education
- Participation of NGOs at the CSW
- First UN Forum on Buisiness and Human Rights
- Millennium Development Goals Post-2015
- HRA Newsmakers
- HRA Annual Education Event: Violence Against Migrant Women
- The UN Denies Justice to Haitian Cholera Victims
- The U.S. Double Standard on Elections in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The MDGs, SDGs, and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- News from Geneva
- Litigation & Advocacy Updates
- Connie de la Vega’s Presentation before the HRC
- The UN CSW 56: A Disappointing Outcome
- Food Insecurity and Women’s Personal Security
- Chronic Malnutrition From a Gender Perspective
- Juvenile Justice Sentencing Practices
- The Death Row Phenomenon
- The Perpetuation of Global Hunger
- The Right to Adequate Housing
- The Right to Vote
- Human Rights Implications of Private Prisons
- Haiti’s UPR: Baby Steps
- Statement to the Human Rights Council
- Private Military and Security Companies
- Advocacy at the UN
- Haiti: Universal Periodic Review
- Implications of Prison Privatization
- Protection for the Human Rights of Migrants
- Women’s Rights and Housing Rights in Haiti
- Private Military and Security Regulation
- Litigation: Excessive Sentencing of Juvenile Offender
- HRA Newsmakers
- Advocacy at the UN
- Human Trafficking Prevention
- Discrimination, Violence against Girls in School
- International Human Rights and Juvenile Justice
- A Strategy for the Realization of the Right to Food
- Violations of the Prohibition Against Torture
- Political Participation and Voting Rights
- Violence Against Children Deprived of Liberty
- Corporate Accountability Developments
- Women’s Human Rights in Human Settlements
- Unlawful Eviction of Haitians from Camps
- HRA Annual Meeting
- HRA Newsmakers
- HRA Celebrates Human Rights Day
- UN Recognizes Right to Water and Sanitation
- HRA at 14th Session of the Human Rights Council
- Using the Right to Truth to Account for the Adverse Impact of Toxics on Human Rights
- Panel at 15th Session of the Human Rights Council
- HRA input to the Universal Periodic Review of US
- UN Women: A New Agency Begins Its Work
- HRA Co-sponsors Periodic Review Conference
- Accountability in Haiti after the Earthquake
- IACHR Rules Death Row Petition Admissible
- Investigating Food Security and Women’s Empowerment in India and Nepal
- Haiti: Hold new, open, fair elections
- UN Commission on the Status of Women
- Violence Against Migrant Women
- Domestic Violence Against Women
- Food Sovereignty
- Human Rights While Countering Terrorism
- Privatized Prisons and Human Rights
- The Right To The Truth
- Continued Violations of the Right to Vote
- Alternatives to Incarceration for Juveniles
- Developing Death Row Law
- U.S. Supreme Court JLWOP ruling
- UN Gender Equality Reform Victory
- HRA Educational Event in Honor of Virginia Leary
- Tribute to Virginia Leary
- Housing is a Human Right
- Enforcing Labor and Environmental Rights
- Transnational Corporations and Human Rights
- Universal Periodic Review: a New Form of Accountability
- Gender Equality Architecture Reform
- HRA Newsmakers
- Advocacy at the UN
- Migrant Domestic Worker Rights
- Negotiating the CSW
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons
- The Human Right to Water
- The Human Right to Food
- Accountability for Private Military and Security
- Arbitrary Detention of Migrants
- Juvenile Criminal Justice
- Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights
- The Right to Vote
- Access to Public Information Laws
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Free Speech
- GEAR-ing Up for UN Gender Reform
- Remembering Virginia Leary
- Tributes to Frank and Frannie Newman
- CERD and the Question of Religion
- Affirmative Action Requirements of CERD
- Freedom Of Expression
- Expansion of the Toxic Wastes Mandate
- Bringing Justice to Cambodia
- HRA Welcomes Laurel E. Fletcher
- Human Rights Film Festival
- Attending the CERD Meeting
- Racism in the United States?
- Gender-Responsive Budgeting at the CSW
- Combating Trafficking of Women and Children
- The Human Rights of Migrants
- The Right to Vote
- Suppressing Political Dissent in East Africa
- Accountability of Private Military Companies
- The Right to Water
- The Human Rights Impact of E-wastes
- Human Rights Issues in Iran and Tibet
- In Memory of Frances Burks Newman
Volume 50, Winter 2007
- HRA’s Fall Event on Racial Discrimination
- U.S. to be Reviewed by CERD Committee
- Thoughts from Former Frank Newman Intern
- HRA Newsmakers – New Publications from HRA Members
Volume 49, Summer 2007
- Advocacy at the UN
- Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
- Trafficking and Sexual Abuse of Girl Children
- Donor Nations’ Obligations on Health Aid
- Corporate Accountability and Toxic Waste
- The Human Rights of Migrants
- Violence Against Women During Armed Conflict
- Voting, Human Rights and Peacekeeping
- Death Row Phenomena and International Law
- Life Without Parole Sentencing for Juveniles
- Reforming U.S. JLWOP Sentencing Practices
- Gender Equality at the United Nations
- International Law and The Supreme Court’s Recent Affirmative Action Decision
- Educational Event on Human Rights Issues at the UN
- Corporate Accountability & Human Rights
- Early Days of the Human Rights Council
- Civil and Political Rights in the U.S.
- Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
- Immigration Reform
- Death Penalty in Indonesia Challenged
- Supreme Court Affirmative Action Case
- U.N. Human Rights Council
- U.N. Human Rights Committee
- More HRA Advocacy at the U.N.
- Advancing Women’s Political Participation
- The Role of Militaries in Trafficking
- Combating Trafficking in Persons
- The Right to Water & Corporate Accountability
- Promoting Juvenile Justice
- Migrant Worker Rights Along State Borders
- The Right to Vote
- Arbitrary Detention in the Dusk of the CHR
- The Labor Rights of Migrant Workers
- HRA’s Fall Education Event
- Shadow Report to Human Rights Committee
- U.N. Congress on Crime Prevention
- U.N. requests trafficking data
- Church of Sudan v. Talisman
- South African Apartheid Litigation
- Letter to the U.N. General Assembly
- Human Rights Advocates Annual Meeting
- United Nations Meetings
- The Role of Men and Boys in the Trafficking of Women and Children
- Women’s Equal Participation in Peace Processes
- The Juvenile Death Penalty and Life Without the Possibility of Parole
- Arbitrary Detention
- Protecting the Human Right to Water
- Child Soldiers
- The Impact of Poverty and Military Forces in Trafficking
- Experience at the UN Commission on Human Rights
- Access to Safe Drinking Water
- Toxic Substances and Their Adverse Effects on Human Rights
- Migrant Workers at the UN Commission on Human Rights
- United Nations Sub-Commission
- Transnational Corporations
- In Memory of Sergio Vieira de Mello and Arthur Helton
- Rolling Back Parts of the Patriot Act
- Update on the Juvenile Death Penalty
- The Death Penalty: Can Delay Render Execution Unlawful?
- Convention for People with Disabilities
- HRA Annual Meeting
- Participation at United Nations Meetings
- Trafficking of Women and Children (at Commission on the Status of Women)
- Commission on the Status of Women at CSW
- Addressing the Causes of Trafficking at CSW (2 Articles)
- Domestic Violence at CSW
- Trafficking of Women and Children at Commission on Human Rights
- Arbitrary Detention
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Illicit Transfer of Toxics: Privatization of Water
- Juvenile Death Penalty
- Migrant Worker Rights
- HRA Joins Amicus Brief in Grutter v. Bollinger Supreme Court Case (Michigan Affirmative Action)
- Supreme Court Decisions Cite Internationa Human Rights Law
- Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
- UN Efforts on Women, Housing, Land and Property
- Summary of HRA Activities at the 54th UN Sub-Commission
- Working Group on Transnational Corporations
- Transnational Corporations and Human Rights
- Migrant Worker Rights
- Review of Death Penalty Cases
Vol. 37 Summer 2001
- United Nations
- Toxics
- International Sex Trade
- Migrant Worker Rights
- Juvenile Death Penalty
- Right to Adequate Housing
- Impunity
- U.N. Commission on the Status of Women
- Corporate Accountability Project Report
- 6th Symposium on Genital Integrity
- Council of Europe gives US deadline on Death Penalty
Volume 36, Winter 2000 (Word document)
Publications and Resources
HRA publishes a newsletter twice a year, prints and distributes articles and papers, and supplements the UN/Human Rights Collection of the Law Library of the University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall) and the Law Library at the University of California Hastings College of the Law with UN documents and other materials.