Submissions to the United Nations
Universal Periodic Review
UPR of the United States of America
- 2014: Updated Submission for the UPR regarding life-without-the possibility of release or parole sentences for children in the United States
- 2010: Report: Juvenile life without possibility of parole (“JLWOP”), the death row phenomena, corporate accountability in the context of immigrant detention, and racial inequality and affirmative action.
Commission on the Status of Women
2019 63rd Session
2018 62nd Session
2017 61st Session
- Treatment of Migrant Workers
- Global Maternity Protection
- The Gender Wage Gap in Today’s Global Workforce
- Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace
2016 60th Session
- Examining Industrial Agriculture And Its Effects On Women Through The Framework Of The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Income Inequality And Its Role In Sustainable Development
2015 59th Session
- Combating Trafficking Through Education at the S0urce, inTransit, and at the Destination
- Legal Recourse and Accountability for Sex Trafficking
2014 58th Session
- Achieving the MDGs by Increasing the Political Participation of Women
- Combatting Trafficking
- Policy and Practice Harvesting the Economic Empowerment of Women in order to Eradicate Poverty and Extreme Hunger
2013 57th Session
- Human Rights NGOs-Participation in the UN, its organs and specialized agencies
- Protection Orders and Shelters – Empowering Intimate Partner Violence Survivors
- Establishing an Effective Framework to Address School-Related Gender-Based Violence
- Addressing Gender Discrimination and Violence Against Women and Girls
2012 56th Session
- Food Security, Rural Women and Personal Security
Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Malnutrition:A Successful Solution Starts with Rural Women
2011 56th Session
2011 55th Session
- Promoting Education and Employment for Women and Girls as Foundations for Effective Human Trafficking Prevention
- Increasing Attention and Addressing Gender-Based Discrimination, Harrassment And Violence Against Girls In Education as a Means of Achieving the MDGs/EFA Goals
2010 54th Session
- Ensuring Women’s Human Rights: Moving Beyond Declarations to Implementation and Enforcement (short statement)
- Ensuring Women’s Human Rights: Moving Beyond Declarations to Implementation and Enforcement
- The Vulnerability of Migrant Women to Violence: A Report on Employer and State-Based Violence Against Migrant Women, and Recommendations for Prevention
2009 53rd Session
- Medical Consequences of Sexual Exploitation of Refugees by Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers
- Transnational Domestic Workers: Protecting Women’s Human Rights to Work, Mobility, and Freedom from Sexual and Racial Discrimination
- Caring for the Displaced: Combating Sexual Exploitation and HIV/AIDS Among Refugee Camps by Increasing Women’s Participation
2008 52nd Session
- Financing for the Eradication of Physical and Sexual Violence Against Women
- Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Women and Children for Sexual Exploitation
- Financing to End Impunity for Perpetrators of Sexual Violence and Other Forms of Gender Based Violence during Armed Conflict and in Post-Conflict Situations
2007 51st Session
2006 50th Session
2005 49th Session
- Military Personnel’s Role in the Trafficking of Women and Girls
- To Protect the Human Rights of Migrant Women and Children, National Labor Laws Must Not Discriminate on the Basis of Immigration Status
- Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective: Violence Against Women
2003 47th Session
2002 46th Session
Human Rights Council
2022 49th Session
- The Effects of Climate Change on Human Rights
- The Right to Food in the Face of Globalization and Corporate Consolidation
- Human Rights Violations by Private Corporations in Detention Facilities
2020 43rd Session
- Ending Criminalization and Discrimination Based on Housing Status
- Countering Terrorism – Human Rights Abuses in Re-education Camps
- The Rights of the Child- Exploitation of Children- Social Media Grooming
- Access to Information and Communication Technologies for Persons with Disabilities
- Right to Food – Fishery Workers Rights
- Growing Need for a Global Minimum Standard of Care for Personal Data Protection and for Special Protections for Vulnerable Populations
2019 40th Session
- The Use of Lethal Drones in Counter-Terrorism Operations
- Combating the Water Crisis to Ensure a Sustainable Environment
- Ensuring Access to Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities: Deinstitutionalization and Desegregation
- Data Privacy – How a Lack of Uniformity is Detrimental to Progress
2018 37th Session
- Reparations for Torture: Helping Women and Girls
- Protection of Journalists as Human Rights Defenders
- The Human Cost of Economic Sanctions: A Comprehensive Approach
- Planting a Seed: How Knowledge, Education, and Cohesive Effort Can Aid the Environment
- Rights of the Child: Sale of Children, The Phenomenon of Illegal Adoptions
- How Foreign Debt Impacts the Enjoyment of Human Rights
2017 34th Session
- The Right to Privacy: Mass Surveillance and Metadata Retention by States
- Ending the Sale of Children for Forced Labor
- Protecting the Right of Education for Children in Armed Conflict
- In the Interest of Societal Development – Aligning Government and Business Interests to Address Foreign Debt
- Cultural Rights as Hindered and Defined by Cultural Relativism/Universality and Extremism/Fundamentalism
- Worldwide Abolition of the Death Penalty
2016 31st Session
- Enforcing the Rights of Children in the Juvenile Justice System
- The Right to Food, Undermined by Threats to Indigenous Peoples’ Land Security from REDD+ Projects and Agro-Industrial Practices
- Death Penalty and the Prohibition Against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment
- Protecting the Right to Adequate Housing in Mega-Projects
- Protecting Cultural Heritage as Part of the Right to Culture
8th Session of the Expert Mechanism on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2015 28th Session
- Children and Private Detention Centers
- Mega Events and the Right to Housing
- Transboundary and Extraterritorial Water Pollution
- Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development
- Methods for Addressing Ongoing Torture
- The Plight of Unaccompanied Migrant Children
2014 25th Session
- Promoting Cultural Rights Through Heritage Laws
- Promoting Right to Food Through Food Sovereignty
- The Need for Moratoriums on Sentencing
- The Right To Vote
- The Right to Housing
2013 22nd Session
- Human Rights Implications of Private Prisons
- Human Rights and the Environment-Strengthening Regulation of Improper Transboundary and National Movements of Hazardous Waste and Disposal
- Child Malnutrition-A Crisis Without Borders
- The Death Row Phenomenon-The Need to Call for Moratoriums on Sentencing
- Special Measures to Ensure Minority Political Participation in Post-Conflict Scenarios
- Extreme Criminal Sentences-Violations of International Standards
2012 19th Session
- Prison Privatization and Prison Labor: The Human Rights Implications
- Death Row Phenomenon
- Juvenile Sentencing Schemes
- Human Rights Defenders and the Right to Vote
- Mega-Events, Urban Development, and Human Rights: The Duty to Prevent and Protect Against Evictions and Ensure the Right to Adequate Housing
- The Right to Food: International Discourse Versus Global Eradication of Hunger The Threat of Improper Food Aid and Land Acquisitions
2011 16th Session
- Violence Against Children Deprived of Liberty
- The Human Rights Implications of Private Prisons
- Violations of the Prohibition Against Torture
- Issues in Juvenile Justice – Juvenile Sentencing and Detention Practices
- Right to Political Participation
- Food Sovereignty: A Strategy for the Realization of the Right to Food
2011 Commentary on Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
2010 15th Session
2010 14th Session
2010 13th Session
- The Right to Vote: The Need for a Special Procedure
- Counter-terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights
- Juvenile Sentencing and Alternatives to Incarceration of Juvenile Offenders
- Privatized Prisons and Human Rights
- Violations of the Prohibition of Torture: The Death Row Phenomenon
- Food Sovereignty: A Strategy for the Progressive
- Corporate Accountability for Human Rights ViolationsCorporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations
2009 10th Session
- The Human Right to Water – An Imperative
- Land Grabbing for Food & Fuel Outsourcing: A Rising Threat to the Right to Food
- The Right to Vote: A Basic Human Right in Need of Protection
- Leyes de Acceso a la Información Pública: favorecen la participación ciudadana y el trabajo de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos
- Bridging Accountability Gaps over Private Military and Security Companies
- Counter-terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights
- The Arbitrary Detention of Migrants
2008 7th Session
- Holding Private Military and Security Companies and Mercenaries Accountable for Human Rights Violations
- Protecting the Human Rights of Migrant Workers: at Borders, during Immigration Raids, in Detention Centers, and in the Workplace
- The Human Right to Water
- The Human Rights Impact of the Illicit Transfer and Dumping of Toxic Wastes and Dangerous Substance
- Juvenile Death Penalty and Juvenile Life without the Possibility of Release
- Torture as a Method of Suppressing Political Dissent in Selected Emerging Democracies in Eastern Africa
- The Right to Vote: Defining and Protecting an Essential Human Right
2007 4th Session
- The Illicit Transfer and Dumping of Toxic Waste
- The Death Row Phenomenon
- Migrants and the Right to Life
- Sexual Exploitation by Military and Peacekeepers
- Violence Against Women In Times Of Armed Conflict
- Imprisoning Children for Life without Possibility of Release
- The Right to Vote
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
2008 72nd Session
Reviews of U.S. 4th, 5th and 6th Periodic Reports
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
2015 156th Period of Sessions
Commission on Human Rights
2006 62nd Session
- The Right to Water
- The Right to Vote, Arbitrary Detention, and Freedom of Association
- Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective/Trafficking
- Juvenile Criminal Sentencing
- The Rights of Migrant Workers
2005 61st Session
- The Transboundary Transfer of Toxics: the Adverse Effect of E-Waste and Pesticides on Human Rights
- Migrant Workers’ Rights to Organize
- Border Deaths and Arbitrary Detention and Migrant Workers
- Civil and Political Rights: Voting Rights and Arbitrary Detention
2004 60th Session
- Adverse Effects of Illicit Movement and Dumping of Toxic Wastes on the Enjoyment of Human Rights
- Arbitrary Detention and the War on Terrorism
- Military Role in Creating and Perpetuating Demand for the Trafficking of Women and Children
- Rights of the Child: Juvenile Death Penalty
- Migrant Worker Rights
- Death Penalty, Death Row and Human Rights
- Right to Development and Water
2003 59th Session
- The Problem of Demand for Trafficked Women and Children and the Role of Military and UN Peacekeeping Troops in the Exploitation of Women and Children
- The juvenile death penalty
- Violations of Migrant Workers’ Rights
- Arbitrary detention and the war on terrorism
- The impact of toxic wastes on human rights
2002 58th Session
- Healthy environment
- Arbitrary detentions, military tribunals
- Violence against women
- Rights of the child
- Migrant workers
2001 57th Session
- Independence of the Judiciary, Impunity
- Migrant worker rights
- Juvenile Death penalty
- Violence against women
- Rights of the Child
Sub-Commission on Human Rights
2002 54th Session
- Women and human rights (focus on Afganistan)